Friday 9 December 2011

Sunday at Augusta

Me, teasing me each time I looked from a dissimilar angle. 
                                   My options          
                  Evaluated                   I felt as if
               I                                                 it spat in
Each time                        NIKE 4                        my face.
Here I was,                                                        Masters.
            One putt                                         for the
                       Away from                One putt
                                   Eternal glory, 
I would tell myself                              that it was the right line.
Yet my muscles w-                              ould not comply.
People may say go-                             lf is a sport where one,
Fights the environ-                              ment. However, they are
Wrong, because to                              conquer the environment,
One must conquer                               their mind. That is what makes golf one of                               a kind. Again I would step back to correct my                              misjudgement. My caddie would offer:
                      My advice sir, I believe
           Offer you                       the putt breaks
    Could                                                 about a
   I                                                               ball to 
“If                                                                    the right”
I could                                                       long.
    Not trust                                            day
            Him I                                     all
                   Thought,                wrong 
                              He          been
The crowd was silenced,               transfixed awaiting my very n 
s                                 Star            trance,                                      e
o                                  Struck.    in a                                             x         
 u                                       As if                                                     t
    nded  as                                                                           Move.
           droplets                         0                             “Drip..
                fell  from                  0                           Drip..
                          my                  0                         Drip..”
                           fore-                                       My sweat
                           head                              below.
                                  and               ground      
                                        struck the
In the
I saw
Historic green jacket being brought to
The final green awaiting a new bearer.
                      Was overcome,
           Sight I                     by an 
      That                                    immense boost
With              NIKE 4                        of confidence. 
As I                                           on my final stroke.
   Gripped  my                   and bared down
             Putter I         longer nervous
                      Was no



        Everywhere around me. With “plop” of the ball
          From              Jonathan Hack           falling
    Were heard          2012 Masters         into
       Of spectators           Champ      the hole,
                The cries                           I was      
                     Target,                     filled
                         Intended        with joy.
                             To my       For the
                       Directly            First
                   Proceeded                  time in
          As the ball                                my life.
                                  I had done it.

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